Virtual pet app promoting sustainable actions


UX Design Lead


Sep–Dec 2022




Yuri Kim Brenda Son Fan Fang Yixin Chen


UX Research(User interview, Research analysis) UX Design(Concept design, Prototyping, Usability testing) Visual design(Design system, Branding, Illustration)


Virtual pet app promoting sustainable actions


UX Design Lead


Sep–Dec 2022




Yuri Kim Brenda Son Fan Fang Yixin Chen


UX Research(User interview, Research analysis) UX Design(Concept design, Prototyping, Usability testing) Visual design(Design system, Branding, Illustration)


Virtual pet app promoting sustainable actions


UX Design Lead


Sep–Dec 2022




Yuri Kim Brenda Son Fan Fang Yixin Chen


UX Research(User interview, Research analysis) UX Design(Concept design, Prototyping, Usability testing) Visual design(Design system, Branding, Illustration)

Project Overview

Creating a design solution to challenge climate doomism among Gen Z

Kudo is a project developed during a core class at SVA, in collaboration with WILDGRID, a solar energy startup. The initial prompt challenged us to increase Gen Z's participation in climate action.

As a design solution, I created 'Kudo,' an app that uses gamified daily missions and a virtual pet to make climate action engaging and rewarding for Gen Z, effectively addressing pervasive climate pessimism.

My Impacts

Throughout the project timeline, I led the design process and project management.


Led the design of user interface with creating style guides, UI components, wireframes, and high-fidelity prototypes to ensure consistent and intuitive user experience.


Conducted secondary research, 10 user interviews, and user testing

Synthesized the insights into viable design ideas.


Managed project schedules, structured meeting agendas, and wrote summaries of meeting discussions to ensure that every teammates are on the same page.


How might we make it easy for Gen Z to take meaningful climate action?

Experts say it's critical to address Gen Z's growing pessimism towards climate change, as only 20% are taking significant action despite 84% expressing concern. 75% anticipate a bleak future, and 55% believe it will worsen.

People demotivated to take climate actions
Gen Z's growing pessimism towards climate change, as only 20% are taking significant action despite 84% expressing concern. 75% anticipate a bleak future, and 55% believe it will worsen.


How might we make it easy for Gen Z to take meaningful climate action?

Experts say it's critical to address Gen Z's growing pessimism towards climate change, as only 20% are taking significant action despite 84% expressing concern. 75% anticipate a bleak future, and 55% believe it will worsen.


To tackle the problem, we followed a five-step UX design process framework.The process was not linear, we iterated the process to refine designs to meet users' needs.




Define the








To understand what hinders Gen Z to take climate actions, I conducted 3 user interviews out of 10 total interviews.

In this interviews, we aimed to learn about users' commitment to environmental efforts, causes of climate anxiety, and their readiness to take action.


Limited Time

Full calendars impairing eco-task ranking


Doubts regarding individual impact on climate change

Expensive Price

Preference for cost-effective, accessible climate solutions

How might we build a positive relationship

between Gen Z and climate action

to drive meaningful individual impact?

How might we build a positive relationship

between Gen Z and climate action

to drive meaningful individual impact?


With the new narrowed challenge, I led design sprint—Crazy 8 to create innovative ideas effectively help Gen Z take climate actions. y teammates and I brainstormed different design opportunities.

Sorting out similar ideas, voted based on important points from user research to select effective design solution.

Through the ideation, we got 4 Ideas. and assessing ideas for efficient impact. In order to have the design solution that have the most impact with less efforts, we voted to based on the criterias from the interview research findings.

Assessing ideas

Virtual pet app





Energy-saving app

Complex logistics


Hands-on DIY kit

Requires time/effort


Positive climate news app



Design Solution

Virtual pet: a fun and playful solution to connect Gen Z with climate action

After conducting a Crazy 8 ideation session, we evaluated various design concepts and chose to focus on a virtual pet solution. This concept addresses the problem of emotional disconnection between Gen Z and the climate crisis in a unique and impactful way.

To enhance user engagement, I designed an end-to-end user flow that forms a continuous engagement loop.

Design Solution

Virtual pet: a fun and playful solution to connect Gen Z with climate action

After conducting a Crazy 8 ideation session, we evaluated various design concepts and chose to focus on a virtual pet solution. This concept addresses the problem of emotional disconnection between Gen Z and the climate crisis in a unique and impactful way.

To enhance user engagement, I designed an end-to-end user flow that forms a continuous engagement loop.


I created a paper prototype to have quick user testing. The goal was to understand if the concept is valid to target users.



Community action feature removed

Initial design included a community action feature to enhance the user experience beyond the virtual world.

  • The users showed low interest in meeting people they met online.

  • As a result, we shifted our focus to solely fostering motivation instead of promoting actual action.

Enhanced learning through quiz

Initially, we set the daily mission's content difficulty level to easy to improve user engagement and reduce pressure.

  • Based on user feedback, we realized that users would benefit from a more challenging and informative experience, resulting in a greater sense of achievement and learning.



Community action feature removed

Initial design included a community action feature to enhance the user experience beyond the virtual world.

  • The users showed low interest in meeting people they met online.

  • As a result, we shifted our focus to solely fostering motivation instead of promoting actual action.

Enhanced learning through quiz

Initially, we set the daily mission's content difficulty level to easy to improve user engagement and reduce pressure.

  • Based on user feedback, we realized that users would benefit from a more challenging and informative experience, resulting in a greater sense of achievement and learning.

Final Designs

Bite-Sized Action,
Big Impact

Kudo empowers you to make a difference with daily climate missions that are both easy and engaging!

Earn Rewards,

Grow Your Impact

Earn "Cloud Points" by completing missions and use them to unlock adorable outfits for your virtual pet. The happier your pet, the more motivated you'll be to keep taking action!

Connect & Share

Your Journey

Build a supportive sustainable community with friends! Share your progress, inspire each other, and show off your stylish pet to the world. You're not alone in going green!

Visual Design

To tackle the problem, we followed a five-step UX design process framework.The process was not linear, we iterated the process to refine designs to meet users' needs.

Visual Design

To tackle the problem, we followed a five-step UX design process framework.The process was not linear, we iterated the process to refine designs to meet users' needs.

Success Metrics

This app’s success can be evaluated with these three factors.

User Retention


Net Promoter


Paid Partnerships with Business

Final Takeaways

While working on this project for 15 weeks with 3 teammates from different backgrounds, I've learned a lot while going through unexpected challenges with my team.

If I had More Time...

I would perform further user tests and revisions for the design, as it’s what I relish most, leading to a product that is more focused on user needs. Our fortnight design process constrained our ability to carry out numerous tests.

I'd develop a comprehensive UI system guideline, considering WCAG accessibility guidelines for a more inclusive experience.

What I've learned…

I realized the importance of intentional decision-making for an efficient workflow. My team faced numerous iterations because of unclear objectives. This taught me to keep goals in mind and consider next steps, leading to a smoother design process.

I discovered that open communication can improve a product. When we are having different opinions, i embraced honest discussions. I believe it strengthened teamwork and helped us progress effectively, resulting in a better end product.

Next project

Mixed Reality

Immersive cultural experience connecting Korean traditions to global audiences

Mixed Reality

Immersive cultural experience connecting Korean traditions to global audiences

Mixed Reality

Immersive cultural experience connecting Korean traditions to global audiences

ⓒ 2024 Yuri Kim

ⓒ 2024 Yuri Kim

ⓒ 2024 Yuri Kim